Company leadership realized a compelling story could help rise
above the typically humdrum real estate closing experience.
Buying a home is one of the most important milestones in a person’s life.
Rather than punctuating that pivotal experience with a period, the team at Fig (formerly North Meridian Title & Escrow) realized that if they could make the closing process a connected, story-driven experience, it would differentiate them from a sea of bland competitors.
North Meridian approached us to help design the experience, rebrand and harness tremendous growth opportunities for their company. They wanted to create a fun, exciting ending to the real estate transaction process, replacing the typical sterile title and escrow process with a warm, welcoming, engaging experience.
The Big Idea: Making the real estate closing process surprisingly sweet.
First, our team went to work reimagining North Meridian’s brand. Through our BlueSky process, we refreshed the company’s story and corporate identity — landing on the big idea of making the closing experience “surprisingly sweet.”
With that Big Idea story narrative, we helped land on a surprisingly sweet name: Fig. Not only is the fig one of the sweetest fruits, but the word embodies the “fruitful dream” of owning your own home. George Washington famously quoted the Biblical text, Micah 4:4: “Everyone will sit under their own vine and under their own fig tree, and no one will make them afraid.”
Although Fig is a for-profit company, they add an altruistic flavor to their operations, bringing light and joy to every transaction. They wanted to intentionally curate their physical space, pacing, processes, communication, and overall brand experience to support that mission.
Once the company’s new name was solidified, we developed the new brand from there, including logo, font, color scheme, and general look and feel. We extended the new look to the website and digital properties, then to the spatial environment. As part of the ongoing engagement, we’re working with Fig to create an architectural master plan for new offices along the Wenatchee River.
Infusing the sweet new brand story into every corner of the experience is destined to create consumer preference.
We worked with Fig to rebrand its Strategic (brand and communication strategy) and Interactive (website, animation, video content) designs. We collaborated with Fig on a brand launch day, during which the new brand was unveiled to get the Fig team excited — complete with useful and attractive branded swag.
From there, we moved on to the Spatial design process. We designed an all-new master plan for Fig’s future offices. We’re currently in the schematic design process, and excited to see where the journey takes us next!
The new office property sits near a park and event center. Like Fig’s innovative brand, this sweet new office space, dubbed the Arboretum, will feature much more than just a title & escrow facility. Its concept is shaping up to be a community hub.